Spicy Caesar Mussels!

It wasn’t until recently that I learned that the Caesar is a Canadian drink.  Bloody Mary’s you can find, but there is something uniquely Canadian about deciding to put Clam juice in a cocktail. It’s nearly impossible to convince an outsider that this is actually delicious, not at all “fishy” and worth at least a try, so for the most part, we keep this drink to ourselves up here. Lately, I’ve been having some major cravings for a Caesar and so on the way home to celebrate my long weekend and quitting my job, I hit the ol liquor store to grab supplies. During our long seawall walk in the sun yesterday afternoon, I began to think how great a big pot of steamed mussels would be with a tall Caesar and then I started thinking how great it would be if you combined the two into one meal! In our house, we every so often have the “Snacky Dinner”, a gratuitous gorging of various tapas whipped together, cheese, crackers, always smoked oysters, pickles and olives and whatever else we find lying around. The Spicy Caesar Mussel dish was the perfect accompaniment!


  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tsp. chili flakes
  • 1 c. canned diced tomatoes
  • 400-500 grams fresh raw mussels
  • 1 c. Extra Spicy Clamato
  • 1 oz. vodka
In a deep pot, heat olive oil on medium heat and throw in chopped onions.  When nearly tender, add garlic and chili flakes and cook for several minutes.  Do not allow to brown, burn or stick.  Add the canned tomatoes, stir and allow to simmer for 5 minutes with lid off.  Add clamato and vodka, stirring to mix.  Rinse mussels, removing any beards or dirt and throw into pot.  Mix with sauce thoroughly, allowing tomato sauce to touch all the mussels at least once! Put on lid and allow to steam approx. 8-10 minutes until all mussel shells open.  Stir again thoroughly and toss into bowl.  Grind fresh pepper on top, slice a baguette to serve on the side and you are good to go! Use baguette to soak up spicy sauce and prevent broth from running down your arm! Yum!

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