Foggy Photo Walk… #netherlands #photography #travel

Yesterday was such a wonderful day.  It has been cold here, but we spent the whole day walking to one of our favourite areas and taking photos of the surrounds.  The weather was so foggy, it seemed nearly impossible to take a bad photo!

IMG_5699I spent a lot of time yesterday experimenting with various raindrop photos.  I am by no means a photographer, but I am happy with how some of these turned out.

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The fog lent a mysterious air to our photos and made everything look dreamy and antiquated.

IMG_5722 IMG_5731 IMG_5758As it got darker, and the temperature fell, the fog intensified.

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Before it got dark we got some really great shots, almost in sepia tone with a reddish hue.  My only regret is that my lens is dirty and you can see some definite dirt in some of the shots.  Maybe that just makes the shots look older? Haha.

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I really enjoy these long meandering photo walks and it’s so nice to be able to do these walks in the winter.  I hope you enjoyed some of my photos!

Mind Blowing Carrot Cake Truffles

These looks amazing. I can’t wait to try this recipe!


Dear carrot cake lovers,

This one’s for you!

For a cake that’s named after a vegetable, carrot cake is usually packed with copious amounts of sugar and oil. These scrumptious bliss balls are not. They’re wholesome, nutritious and naturally free from gluten, dairy, egg and refined sugar! Carrots are one of the best vegetable sources of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A keeps our skin, hair, nails and eyes beautiful by promoting natural cell division, regenerating collagen, regulating oil production, and slowing the natural deterioration of eyesight as we age! So go on, make a batch, it’ll take you less than five minutes and your body will LOVE you for it (so will your tastebuds). Definitely an “I accidently ate the whole thing” dish. But, I don’t carrot all! (See what I did there?).

1 cup grated carrots
1 cup almond meal
6 large medijool dates

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I was in Seoul in 2012. Here are some photos! I miss it and I hope to go back again soon! 🙂

Jenn Peters

Me being stupid-elevator-Seoul

Seoul is great so far.  We are really enjoying it.  We have been walking around everyday pretty much all day and the jet lag has been hard to shake off.  Does that get harder as you get older? I don’t know.  I don’t recall my mother or my in-laws being tired when visiting us in Japan-they were pretty much raring to go.  But last night I slept through the night so I know I’ll feel much better today.

Hello Kitty Cafe!

The weather here has been gorgeous and we’ve been wearing t-shirts and no jackets everyday.  It’s a lot more smoggy than I thought it would be and that took some getting used to but after the first couple of days, I didn’t notice it anymore.  It was hard not to think of Japan, coming here and to draw comparisons even though I really didn’t want to.  That…

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Vegan Chili with Barley…

It’s winter. And winter means chili. I generally don’t use a recipe when I make chili but here is one version I put together. Chili is very forgiving as far as ingredients go, and can be a good opportunity to get rid of stuff in your fridge!

Jenn Peters


Barley is an awesome meat substitute for chili.  It gives you that texture and “filling-ness” that is normally taken up with ground beef but is so much better for you.  I used to make this with Yves Ground Round but I’m moving away from processed vegetarian meat substitutes as much as possible.  Throw in whatever veggies you want in this recipe, and make it your own!

  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 med. onion, diced
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped
  • 1-28 oz. can of diced tomatoes
  • 2-19 oz. rinsed cans of beans of your choice (here I use black and kidney beans)
  • 10 oz. can of sliced mushrooms*
  • 1 small zucchini, diced
  • 1/4 c. dry pot or pearl barley
  • 1 c. H20
  • 2 tbsp. chili powder
  • 1/4 tbsp. poblano chili pepper
  • 1 tsp. Franks Red Hot Sauce
  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. salt


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